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Scary car commercial


There is a very famous scary car commercial advertisement originally filmed in Europe. If you compare the scary ads and the normal commercial car ads, the scary ads will usually stays in your heart longer than normal advertisement. Off course, this has to done with effective car commercial songs. This is a very great technique car advertiser use to catch potential buyer’s heart. Common car commercial advertisement is showing how powerful, how luxury, how good handling and how comfortable a car is, but there are some advertisement showing and presenting the car in a weird way. This is to make people remember the commercial in their heart for a long time.

scary car commercial
scary car commercial

There is a famous commercial taken in Great Britain and been pulled out from publish to the market. It shows a car moving from a mountain and goes through a tree, then when you look at it and wait for a couple of second, a white mist pop out from the tree suddenly with a scary sound. One of the reason this commercial been pulled out is due to some people could not accept the “sudden death” technique especially those who have heart attack.

See the video here, watch closely and try to notice if there is a white mist moving along the side of the car.

Do you prank by the scary car commercial? There is a fun family show this commercial to some victims and taken down all their reaction with a hidden camera. These victims range are from young to old and you can see the reaction from the video here.


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